So we have all heard of “Thomas the Train,” but do we really know how this multi million dollar franchise started and how broad the market is for this brand? Here at Trainz, we currently have 600+ Thomas and Friends products on our website for sale and we see more and more items come in each day. We look at everything from single engines, to freight cars and even full sets that include everything you need to create your layout! From die-cast models, to N & HO Scale, to O and our biggest contender, G Scale, Trainz has everything you could ever want when it comes to Thomas and His Friends! Let's take a closer look at the history of this brand and what it has to offer your layout.
It All Starts With an Idea!
Of course any successful product starts with an idea and willing investments in said objective. So here we have the man behind this story, Wilbert Vere Awdry. Awdry, like many young men, was inspired by his Father and his love of the railroad. This influence pushed him to write the Railroad Series, which began as a bedtime story for his son. With the help of his wife and son, Christopher, Awdry began publishing his stories and received success quickly. The Railroad Series includes, Thomas the Tank Engine, and many more leading to his final publication of Thomas and His Friends. After creating a wooden replica of his imaginary character for Christmas, a show blossomed and aired on BBC. “Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" became a hit in the UK and has now spread to 121 countries in varying languages. After the quick popularity of this televised program, the production of Thomas engines increased and changed throughout the years. We now see models with Bluetooth and other new age capabilities! (6-85324) Just like any brand, Thomas the Train has progressed with technology, but is still the same fussy and fun engine we all know him to be. The history of these engines is extensive and more than can be analyzed by me in a quick article, so if you’re interested in learning more on the history of Thomas, be sure to research on your own!

The kids love Thomas!
Now we can say Thomas the Train’s main audience is (but of course not limited to) children. The colorful and animated design of these models paired with interchangeable facial expressions attract the attention of a younger demographic. It can be also noted that these faces of Thomas and his Friends have an impact on children on the autism spectrum. The easily distinguishable faces on these engines have become a way for people to learn facial expressions and can help those who struggle reading social cues.
What Trainz can offer you
Let’s take a look at a few items we have to offer here at Trainz, starting with sets. Our offered sets are perfect for families and beginner train lovers as they offer almost everything you need to begin your layout. Most come with color coordinated remotes to make running your layout much easier! After beginning your collection with the basics, such as engine, track and transformer, of course you will need to add some friends! From James to Percy and the amazing Rosie Engine, your layout can be full of fun thanks to Thomas and his Friends.

Let's wrap up!
Now this brand is not only limited to model trains but has now widened to other areas of commercialism such as dinnerware, clothing and home decor. It is a fact that people love to have products that portray their favorite brand, so the popularity of Thomas decor and clothing was sure to grow! I am sure you have seen your fair share of Thomas comforter sets and t-shirts!
Alright, now time to wrap up what we have learned so far, the basics… we know that their is an extensive history on Thomas the Train and how it came it be. We also know that you can find a variety of models on our website! So whether you have children interested in the railroad or you’re a Thomas fan like myself, be sure to check out Thomas and the rest of the crew at Trainz.com.